You brought tears to my eyes. A beautiful, beautiful ode to your home. Your story will stick with me.

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Sep 15Liked by Robin Stewart

😢 What a beautiful tale Robin. Think not with sadness but joy as you carry those memories of the house and your mom in your heart and in the memories your boys have. Thank you for sharing.

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What a lovely story, @Robin Stewart. I didn't know that about you.

I too traveled with my family a great deal. For me it was 9 schools by the 10th grade, and I'd thought that was a lot. I'd never lived in one house continuously for more than 2 years until my husband and I bought the house we live in now in Berkeley.

The house itself is over 100 years old. Piecing together its history was one of my first forays into family history. I learned about the failing marriages of the two previous owners. Would this happen to us too? (30 years later now, maybe not.) The previous owner gave us a gift that had been given to him when he moved in. It was a rose encyclopedia with a hand-drawn map on title company paper. It annotated every rose in the garden, cross-referencing it with the encyclopedia. From the ages of the roses and publishing date of the book, I'd say it was from the late 1980s. I'll do a post about that at some point.

With a house, it feels a little like voyeurism in the rear view mirror. Now, with a bit more family history experience under my belt, it seems that was a terrific start. Thank you for that whispered moment. It took me back. 🥰

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Thank you for sharing your story. I love that they left the hand drawn map of the roses.

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What a lovely way to say goodbye to a much-loved home.

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Thank you!

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Beautiful! And that you could ease yourself into the separation is a gift.

I remember the gut-punch I felt when after several decades I returned to the house of my teenage years -- only to find it was demolished and now a parking lot. And the house of my earliest childhood was now a field. The houses I knew are now ghosts.

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Oh that makes me shudder, Ann.

Yes, I think everything happened as it should have, in terms of timing. Thank you.

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Robin, I love this!! I’ve been working on my house piece and sure do understand your love and connection to that house. What wonderful memories you have. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you, Lynda!

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I enjoyed reading this, it was a wonderful way to pay tribute to the memories of your home.

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Thank you, Becky.

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Such beautiful writing Robin. It was so touching to read, and I could feel the love for this house coming through your words. Our memories of family and our childhood experiences are so important. I find as I'm getting older, I tend to look recall those memories more than ever.

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Oh my goodness Robin - what an absolutely fantastic story. I love love loved it. Well done you!! Such a great tribute.

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Thank you, Alex.

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Thank you

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