Jun 24Liked by Robin Stewart

You've been looking over my shoulder, apparently.

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Jun 24Liked by Robin Stewart

Very interesting! I look forward to learning more. Thanks.

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I completed the BASB course in 2020 and Tiago’s structure for note taking and organizing is still one I use. Looking forward to comparing our methods.

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Awesome! I’d love to hear how about your method.

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I will say, I'm one of these people who committed to Evernote early on. I was a huge fan and proselytizer. Then... I got frustrated by the feature creep and was lured over to Notion.so

I'm still an active Notion user, but it encouraged me to be too sloppy in my notes and didn't really give me full access to my original Evernotes. I now use tools like 1Password to manage my secure information and WeAre.xyz to capture much of my family history research as it produces facts. I'm currently using articles over there to capture what amount to notes, and I'm terrible about capturing sources. "Undisciplined" would be a better term.

I really should be using a better system and I love your structured thinking. Yes, you have to be able to "trust the system." To my experience, yes, "It relieves you from the burden of remembering and keeping track of everything."

I'm intrigued by this Slipbox, "Zettelkasten" idea as I watched my dad produce a dozen books based on his system that was continuously writing notes on 3x5 cards. I still take a variation on that.

All of the above: You have my full attention, master. 🙇‍♀️

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Love it, Barb!

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I am looking forward to this. Though using different terminology, I have been working on this approach for the past 2-3 years. I am interested in how your thoughts and ideas correlate with what I am doing and what might be improved on.

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Hi Karla, I look forward to hearing your perspective as we move through this! Thank you!

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Hi Robin, this is a great post. And I’m definitely with you on this journey. My problem is the 5-10 notebooks I keep for each of my interests. Then there’s Notes, Pocket, Drive, images that I save to remind myself... I don’t need a second brain, I need a team of them, PLUS a PA who is an octopus. I am constantly behind and I know I am not alone. I find Zettelkasten quite overwhelming. However, I am open to listening to you so bring it on!! Thanks for tackling this meaty subject 🤯🙏💐

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Hi Jane, we are definitely going to move through it slowly and build our understanding. I’ve been using a system inspired by those methods that is working for me. Hopefully it will be helpful. And yes, I would love a PA too!

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I love how practical your publication is, and that you're applying theories of notetaking to writing family stories. I've read both Ahrens and Forte and I'm using Obsidian. Now I'm trying to figure out how to turn the notes into longer form writing.

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Thank you! Great to hear. I’d love to get your perspective as we move through this process.

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