How wonderful that you had someone close who shares your passion for genealogy. How sad to have lost her. This is a beautiful narrative of your epic trip. (And, omg, how scary for you guys!)

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Thank you, Kirsi.

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Robin that was so smooth and soulful, I swear it was a Ron Howard production :)

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Lol! Thank you Jane!

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I so love going on my Genealogy trips and Research tours. I recently went on one to Virginia to discover more of my family history. I’ve always known that my Ancestors were one of the “First Families” in Virginia, but to see the records in the archives left me with so many emotions. In addition, I’ve always known that unfortunately these people were our Slave owners and we’ve inherited their names like so many foundational black Americans. Some discoveries are not always good ones, but it’s so important to not only research, but to mix it up with a little fun. Thank you for sharing.

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I’ve felt those emotions too. Viewing the documents and then standing in the places where my ancestors spent their daily lives gives me this indescribable feeling of connection through time that can sometimes be great and sometimes be difficult to face. Thank you Donna. By the way, Virginia is one of the states on my genealogy road trip bucket list!

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What a beautiful testimony of your friendship, love and shared passion. And what an epic road trip! Thanks for sharing both with us.

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Thank you Lori!

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What a fabulous journey!

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It was the best, Jude!

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Thank you for sharing your family with us and the loving memory you retain of your cousin.

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Thank you for watching it!

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Love the title - genealogy road trips are epic and so emotional. So wonderful you got to share it with family too.

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Thank you Denyse. I’m so grateful we were able to go. It meant so much to me then. It means even more now.

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Great trip! Thanks for sharing.

Genealogy trips are always fascinating and necessary to understand our genealogy.

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Thanks for watching it!

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