Welcome to Genealogy Matters!

Welcome in! I’m Robin Stewart, the founder of Genealogy Matters, the curator and host of GenStack, and a family historian.

GenStack, the weekly post with the best genealogy and family history blogs, newsletters, podcasts and videos. Find this week’s content every Saturday, right here on GenStack. If you want GenStack to be delivered right to your inbox each Saturday, subscribe. It’s free.

Did you know that GenStack Library is always open? Check out the directory of Genealogy and Family History content.

Are you looking for an ancestor?

Every week more ancestors are written about online. Check out the Ancestor Digest for an index of what’s been written about ancestors.

Join Mission Genealogy

Be part of a community of folks who share your interests in genealogy. Conversations and collaboration are just the start of this supportive community of family historians. We have monthly Zoom Gatherings where we meet and talk about our favorite topic - genealogy.

Subscribe to Genealogy Matters

Shining a light on the best online genealogy blogs and newsletters. If you're looking for great writing, meaningful presentations and podcasts that are all about genealogy, family history and memoirs, GenStack brings it all right to your inbox.


Founder of Cuzens Genealogy. A genealogist for the past 40 years, I now focus on preserving family history, because genealogy matters. I publish GenStack weekly to shine a light on the best genealogy and family history content out that week.