Welcome to Genealogy Matters!

Welcome in! I hope you find exactly what you need in Genealogy Matters. Your time is valuable, so I want to give you quality posts that have a meaningful impact on your genealogical research and family history writing. The focus includes:

  • Building Organized Research Records

  • Preserving Family History

  • Support for the Family Historian Community here on Substack.

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You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox. On Saturdays, look for GenStack, a weekly roundup of that week’s posts on family history. On Sundays, look for my Genealogy Matters newsletter about building organized research records, and preserving family history.

Join the Family Historian Community

Be part of a community of folks who share your interests in genealogy. Conversations and collaboration are just the start in this supportive community of family historians. Are you a part of the community? If you are interested in family history, the answer is YES! For more about that…

Subscribe to CuZens Genealogy Matters

Building Organized Records & Preserving Family History that are easy and accessible, because genealogy matters.


Founder of Cuzens Genealogy. A genealogist for the past 40 years, I now focus on writing about, and how to organize and preserve family history, because genealogy matters.